Friday, November 21, 2008

Holden's Post

I'm going to my grandma's for Thanksgiving. My sister is going to have my old red snow boots. And I am going to stay in a yurt for the eve of Christmas eve. I hope it's going to be fun. Mom says there are bunk beds! We are going to make a big breakfast at the yurt. My mom thinks it is going to be lots of fun. School is going good. My baby sister Ruby is lots of fun and we live in Rexburg now. I miss my grandma. I'm going to Oregon during Christmas break. My favorite food is pumpkin pie now. My dad is in Oregon right now. My mom is nuts. It's weird: Rexburg is cold in the winter, but it's hot in the summer. HOT HOT. My mom is addicted to getting my hair cut. We're going over to the Galers for dinner tonight. Lately my nose has been runny. And sometimes my teacher has this overhead projector and sometimes she turns it on before she puts down the screen. We all laugh when she does that. My mom is paranoid twenty four hours a day. My mom is totally nuts. It's really windy right now. It's like the trees are flying all over the place. I use license plates in all my big jobs in the back yard. My life is NUTS!

Monday, September 15, 2008

What We Have Been Doing

I just had a new sister. Her name is Ruby Jane. I like her a lot. But sometimes she can just be a fuss-mick. But sometimes she's fun and cheerful. I like to hold her. My sister likes Ruby too.

We moved to Rexburg. We bought a house and have friends, and my favorite thing about the house is the back yard. My favorite food here in Rexburg is burgers at the Backyard. I also like the custard there. It is goooood. Also, I like to make cookies with my mom.

My new school is around the corner and up the street. I walk to school. I like to play at recess and have several different clubs. For example, jumping club: in jumping club we jump off the monkey bars into the gravel piles at school. They came and dumped a bunch of gravel piles at my school. There are some high monkey bars and some low monkey bars. Some kids jump off the high ones and some off the low ones. But sometimes I like to jump off the top of the little ones.

I like school. And one more thing: I like playing with Harry and Owen and camping (see my poll).

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Holden's "I Wish We Could Post 20,000 Times on My Blog" Post

Here are the things that I like about Taiwan:

1. Taroko Gorge

2. Fried rice

3. Taipei 101

4. Maokong Gondola

5. Having my own MRT card

6. Riding the Metro with my own MRT card

7. Playing on the first floor of my apartment building

8. Crazy kids at church

9. Going to Danshui and building up my rock collection

10. Going to the Jade Market

Here are things I DON'T like about Taiwan:

1. Having to travel far to go anywhere fun

2. Searching high and low for rootbeer

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Holden's Many Writes

So, when I come back to Utah--you all know that, don't you?--I'm going to, let's see......start an off road club. You all know that exactly. So, I told you I was going to start an off road club, right? I'm going to tell you the places I want to go in my off road club. I'm going to go to rattlesnake wash, lambs canyon, nine mile canyon, teton damn, mt. lemon, the sand dunes in Rexburg. Do you want to know anything else about what's going on with us in Taiwan? You do! Well, come on, and I'll tell ya.

Me and my sister have ear infections right now. We're going home in one week. Our flight leaves April 21st at 12:00 noon. That's all I want to write for now.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Holden's Posting World

Right now me and my crazy mind maniac sister are playing in the balls and she seems to be yelling every time I go near her. Next Halloween I want to make this machine that makes mummies and trolls seem real. Vampires, the Headless Dude, Frankenstein, and other scary stuff will seem real when I use my machine. We are leaving Taiwan in 3 weeks. I am relieved that we are leaving in 3 weeks because I really, really, really want to start my first off road club. And for the big meeting we will invite all the members in my club to Grandma George's house and we'll make up a chant and all that stuff and then what we'll do is say the chant and then I'll tell everybody what we're going to be doing in our off road club. Then we'll go outside to our rigs and go through everything we have and stuff and then what we'll do is go on our first camping trip.

We went on the Maokong Gondola. I plan to build something like that in "Holden World." I'll build two very tall towers in Holden World, one on the top of the mountain and one at the bottom. A cable will be welded to a metal bar at both stations. This machine sets down a gondola, then it takes the gondola up the cable. It makes its way up the mountain. At the top the same thing will be happening. You see, it will be very cool. My sister is throwing blocks at us and we're hiding under a table. I'm excited to have another mind-blowing sister. And when Hazel and whatever our new baby's name is going to be get older, I'll teach them how to go in a motorboat. It will be awesome. Awesome, I say. When we go to Rexburg I will start a snow diving club, where we will jump off my playset into the snow.
That's all for today!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Holden's Post

Right now me and my sister are playing in the ball pool. And guess what? There is nothing to describe about this. It's just a plain old ball pool that's not very deep, with a slide, and some giant rubber balls to bounce around. Also, Homer Simpson's finger is in here. Only it's massive. I love the element of sur--PRI....... and want to see the new Get Smart movie. That was just a joke to make you laugh your heads off. Right now my leg was on top of my sister in the slide. She is climbing over me trying to get in the tunnel to the slide. I am trying to talk my mom into lunch at McDonalds. For dessert, I want Dunkin Donuts. That's all for today.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Holden's Writing Town

My dad's brother is visiting us in Taiwan, and he seems to be a little crazy about the food here. We found a grocery store that carries root beer, thank heavens. We just polished off the 6 pack that we bought. I believe it took 4 days to finish it. So now we're going to go buy some more. Last week we went to the Palace Museum that has all this stuff about history and other nonsense. And I decided to invent a machine and it will cost $4000. And also I have made some other side-details and plans about it. It will be attached to my B-2 system. This machine is going to help there be more energy in the world, and it sways a lot when there is a lightening storm in order to capture the lightening and the wind and get power from it somehow. And it will also be attached to my A-1 system. That's all I want to write. We are going home on April 21st, so keep your hopes barely above ground-level, because it will still be awhile.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Holden's Blog Post Feb 21

In Taiwan, the weather changes very fast. While the weather changes very fast from cold and rainy to warm, Hazel and I are playing outside. Mom needs some time to herself, but she is typing while I dictate. In Taiwan I can't seem to put slideshows on my blog. I don't know why. Right now my sister is yelling at us and she's stomping her foot on the concrete floor. I don't like Taiwan so far, and to make matters worse, there's a stinky tofu place right near our house. That's what I really hate about Taiwan: STINKY TOFU!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Holden's Write-Up for the Day

For Christmas me and my dad got my sister a battery powered four wheeler. This winter I've been hearing that there's lots of snow in Utah. Right now we are playing in the balls. I'm reading this book called The Witches right now. It's by Roald Dahl. He's my favorite author. Maybe I'll start allowing my mom to read Harry Potter to me. I started this business. I have meetings and I call them "kid business meetings." For my off-road club I decided I would have a long weekend trip. We'll go to Moab, Rattlesnake Wash, Lamb's Canyon, Hobble Creek, Diamond Fork, and I guess that's it. We will do this over several long weekends. That's it for now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Taiwan Update

Right now my dad is on an airplane flight back to the US for his interview at BYU-Idaho. Right now my sister is yelling "I'm not poopy!" at me and my mom. We went to Danshui and ate at McDonalds. I went from always eating chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce to now eating a Big Mac with cheese. I have enjoyed going to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. I also had fun going south to Ci Shan where my dad served part of his mission. It's a 4 hour train ride.

Right now we are playing in the ball pool. Hazel is trying to kill me with a toy car. It is very cold here and the buildings are made of concrete and none of them have heat in them. I get big bites every night. Taiwan is okay, but hard sometimes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Off Road Clubs and Me

I really like Off Road Club movies, like Ultimate Adventure. But I, as a kid, am starting a real Off Road Club. We've already had one meeting, and then after a period of time, we are going to have another meeting. And then, we will start our Off Road Club journey. We will have a big meeting on the day before our trip. And we will have to pack a lot.

I am so happy that Jackson B turns 6 today! Happy Birthday, Jackson!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What the Heck!? Taiwan is Awesome!

I went to Taipei 101 for my birthday on January 1st. I got ice cream and saw the big ball in the middle of the building. The ball keeps the building from falling down. It's hanging by giant ropes. I ate a steak at Chilis and kept falling asleep and Dad had to keep waking me up to eat. That's the crazy life I have now.

I live in an apartment that has a ball pool, playground, air hockey table, movie theater, and lots of karaoke. My favorite thing about our apartment is either the movie theater (where we can watch our own dvds) or the air hockey.

I've eaten lots of weird food. My favorite food so far is called shui jiao. It's like pot stickers, only boiled, not fried. Right now I see my mom's feet. My dad eats all kinds of disgusting foods here. The grossest food I have eaten is a fried egg sitting underneath a really thin steak, all on top of fried noodles. And I got a dart gun at the Shilin night market as a prize for one of the games I played.

The hardest thing about living here is that there is only one bathroom in our apartment.

The best thing about living here is that it's dangerous. There are lots of scary cars on the road when we walk down the street. There are so many foods that look disgusting to me. I believe that will be all for today.