Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Taiwan Update

Right now my dad is on an airplane flight back to the US for his interview at BYU-Idaho. Right now my sister is yelling "I'm not poopy!" at me and my mom. We went to Danshui and ate at McDonalds. I went from always eating chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce to now eating a Big Mac with cheese. I have enjoyed going to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. I also had fun going south to Ci Shan where my dad served part of his mission. It's a 4 hour train ride.

Right now we are playing in the ball pool. Hazel is trying to kill me with a toy car. It is very cold here and the buildings are made of concrete and none of them have heat in them. I get big bites every night. Taiwan is okay, but hard sometimes.

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