Saturday, March 21, 2009

Elmo Stinks

You see Elmo has been on Sesame Street before, and three-year-olds just love the heck out of him. But Elmo is not very good at puppet shows. You see, if I was Elmo I would talk in a very mean voice like Oscar. But Sesame Street doesn't have anyone else who would do it. What should they do? Take Elmo off the show, then let Cookie Monster take over, eating cookies all day. And I also hate the song that's on Elmo. And poor old Mr. Noodle. If they took him off the show, that would be really good. Then he could go to grade school and learn how to put his shoes on. I think Elmo messes up three-year-old's brains. I think Cookie Monster should take the place of Elmo.