Friday, November 21, 2008

Holden's Post

I'm going to my grandma's for Thanksgiving. My sister is going to have my old red snow boots. And I am going to stay in a yurt for the eve of Christmas eve. I hope it's going to be fun. Mom says there are bunk beds! We are going to make a big breakfast at the yurt. My mom thinks it is going to be lots of fun. School is going good. My baby sister Ruby is lots of fun and we live in Rexburg now. I miss my grandma. I'm going to Oregon during Christmas break. My favorite food is pumpkin pie now. My dad is in Oregon right now. My mom is nuts. It's weird: Rexburg is cold in the winter, but it's hot in the summer. HOT HOT. My mom is addicted to getting my hair cut. We're going over to the Galers for dinner tonight. Lately my nose has been runny. And sometimes my teacher has this overhead projector and sometimes she turns it on before she puts down the screen. We all laugh when she does that. My mom is paranoid twenty four hours a day. My mom is totally nuts. It's really windy right now. It's like the trees are flying all over the place. I use license plates in all my big jobs in the back yard. My life is NUTS!