Thursday, August 20, 2009


My sister is a computer-addict. Also, my dad is almost done with his dissertation. We're starting an off-road club after he graduates. We'll call it "The 4x4 Club," and I already have an expedition in mind. We are going to meet every other Saturday and go on a four-wheeling trip. We will have one big off-road camping trip per month. Also, every Christmas break--well, five days of Christmas break--we will go up to a place that is almost impassable. Every summer we'll have a competition the first week of July. I will pick a place and one person at a time will drive through it. I believe that's it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh My Gosh

My baby sister Ruby started standing up without holding onto anything! We're going to Oregon a week after we went to Utah. Anyone in Oregon who looks at my blog: we'll probably see you. My mom is a Coca Colaholic, as most of you know. It's almost time for school to start, and I kind of have mixed feelings. I'm kind of worried about the first day, but the rest I'm okay about. A few of my friends from first grade are going to be in my class, but not my best friend. I did most of my back-to-school shopping in Utah at Cal-Ranch. My parents just went on a cruise, so I went to Utah. Did I mention I am going into second grade? Oh, I did. My grandpa is a super-good draw-er. He draws about seventy-two million times better than I do. I aksed my little sister Ruby when she would start talking, and she replied "in a month." That's it.