Monday, March 17, 2008

Holden's Writing Town

My dad's brother is visiting us in Taiwan, and he seems to be a little crazy about the food here. We found a grocery store that carries root beer, thank heavens. We just polished off the 6 pack that we bought. I believe it took 4 days to finish it. So now we're going to go buy some more. Last week we went to the Palace Museum that has all this stuff about history and other nonsense. And I decided to invent a machine and it will cost $4000. And also I have made some other side-details and plans about it. It will be attached to my B-2 system. This machine is going to help there be more energy in the world, and it sways a lot when there is a lightening storm in order to capture the lightening and the wind and get power from it somehow. And it will also be attached to my A-1 system. That's all I want to write. We are going home on April 21st, so keep your hopes barely above ground-level, because it will still be awhile.

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