Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh My Gosh

My baby sister Ruby started standing up without holding onto anything! We're going to Oregon a week after we went to Utah. Anyone in Oregon who looks at my blog: we'll probably see you. My mom is a Coca Colaholic, as most of you know. It's almost time for school to start, and I kind of have mixed feelings. I'm kind of worried about the first day, but the rest I'm okay about. A few of my friends from first grade are going to be in my class, but not my best friend. I did most of my back-to-school shopping in Utah at Cal-Ranch. My parents just went on a cruise, so I went to Utah. Did I mention I am going into second grade? Oh, I did. My grandpa is a super-good draw-er. He draws about seventy-two million times better than I do. I aksed my little sister Ruby when she would start talking, and she replied "in a month." That's it.


Dave said...

Can't wait to see you. Your cousin Clayton is looking forward to your visit.

Carly said...

I'm excited to see you, David. And I am excited to see Clayton and Clancy, as well.

kacy faulconer said...

Good luck in 2nd grade, Holden. Don't worry about the first day. It is always the easiest because the teacher is trying to make you like her.