Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Holden's Wonder

My baby sister is really big now. She likes to grunt and grab my face, which I don't like. I'm a very good balancer these days. I'm also a very good faller. In 1983, the most famous rock star in the world made the buildings collapse by singing so loud that he actually fell down. Right now it is -20 outside. This world is crazy. I have a crazy clock and for the first four weeks in December it snowed 16 inches. Crazy! Crazy, I mean. I'm about to eat a weird doughnut. My sister started preschool last week. Last night I had pot stickers for dinner because it was Chinese New Year. Happy in Chinese New Year!


Dave said...

Glad to read fromo you. I didn't know if you were ever going to post again. If you spit outside when the temperature is below zero your spit will freeze before it hits the ground. Uncle DMP

TJB said...

Hi Holden,

How are you doing? In Tucson, today is Sunday. I saw your house on your mother's blog. You are lucky to have a great house.

I miss you. Thank you for being my friend. I hope I get to see you soon.

Your friend,

Carly said...

Thank you for the compliment on my blog. I wonder if you have a blog of your own, too? If you don't you should make one. I miss you, too. I wish that Tucson would have a huge flash flood and all the water would come back and it would be not so hot. I discovered I love eating snow.
Love, Holden

kacy faulconer said...

Holden, I came to a certain point in my life where I had to choose between balance and falling. I have been pursuing balance ever since with a modest degree of success. Some day--and I'm glad I'm the one to tell you this--you will have to choose too.